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{{ errors.lastName }}
{{ errors.address }}
{{ }}
{{ }}

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${{row.price_mrp}} ${{row.price_offer}}

Subtotal ${{ calculateSubTotal() }}
Total ${{ calculateTotal() }}

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Quantity : {{row.qnty}}

₹ {{row.price_offer}}


₹ {{ calculateTotal() }}

Disclaimer: All products available on ValuesNeed are officially supported by their respective brands. We fully comply with the FTC’s Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule to ensure the protection of our customers. ValuesNeed is an independent online store specializing in computer peripherals and software. All products featured on our platform are legitimate licenses sourced from authorized partners of the respective brands. ValuesNeed is not affiliated with the products or subscriptions purchased through our website. Some items may also be available directly from the brand owners' official websites. For more information, please refer to our Buying and Refund policies.